Stories are probably the most effective tool you have to bring your charity’s impact to life.
But often, stories are seen as a luxury. You know they’re important and you know you need them. But you’re too busy trying to stay on top of your day-to-day work to spend any quality time on them.
That’s where I can help. I can take on your story gathering, producing compelling features about the people you work with. You can use them in impact reports, online, in bids, donor reports, newsletters – however you wish.
Writing stories for charities often involves speaking to vulnerable people. I’m a sensitive, conscientious interviewer. It’s very important to me that the person I’m speaking to feels comfortable and well supported. I always give the storyteller plenty of time to check the story I’ve produced about them before I share it with my client.
I’m passionate about capturing storytellers’ true voices – the words they use, the rhythm of their speech. That’s why I always record and transcribe my interviews. The process takes a little longer, but it makes for a more authentic story.